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The Sheath/Holster Makers Forum This is the place to discuss all forms of sheath and holster making.

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Old 05-19-2002, 05:02 PM
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"Kydexsheath for my Sheepsfoot" tutorial

As promissed I have here the tutorial for my kydexsheaths

This is the way it starts:


The tools, a knife and some Kydex. I use a heatgun to heat my kydex. I have cut the kydex oversize for this project as for all others...never try to save material by cutting the Kydex just big will mostly have to litle and then use more than you would have if cut oversize.
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Old 05-19-2002, 05:12 PM
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I use a piece of plywood with smooth surface as a working this case it is the lower piece of my kydexpress...the toppiece is same size plywood with 2-3 layers of blue sleepingmat glue on with sprayglue. I use maskingtape on the blade to leave enough room in the sheath to avoid skratches.Using cottongloves I am getting ready to heat the out where you put the knife in this process!

The handle of the knife is placed outside the working plate close to the edge. The hot kydex is placed on top.

The "sandwich" is clamped down and left to cool of for 5-10 minuttes

This shows what will be the top of the sheath. (I ussually make "pancake" sheaths...putting two pieces of kydex together.)

Now I mark for the eyeletholes. I use a master made from aluminium with holes matching a Tek-Lok...this way I am sure that no matter how I put in the holes they will allways fit a Tek-Lok. I make my own beltclips (more later) but like to be able to use the Tek-Loks. Marking one hole I make sure not to move the master and then mark the next.

I put 6 eyelets in this kind of sheath....hence 6 markings.

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Old 05-19-2002, 05:20 PM
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I put front and back together and hold them with Kant-Twist clamps and go to the drillpress

Using a wooddrill with the special point I drill the holes. I don?t use regular drillbits as the graps the kydex and ruins the holes if you are not carefull. Besides the tip make it easy to hit the right spot.

Here are the two parts. Be sure to clean the inside for any dust before putting in the eyelets.

6 eyelets and the right tools. I use the anvil on a cheap vise for this process.

Starting on one eyelet....not finishing the peening but enough to keep the two parts together. The I set one in the oposit corner to align all the holes.

All eyelets set I go to the bandsaw

and saw roughly to not go too close!!
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Old 05-19-2002, 05:31 PM
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Now I take it to the beltgrinder and carefully grind to shape using my contactwheel and small wheels. The I buff the edges using a hardsewn wheel with very litle polishingcompound. I sue this rough red waterbased type.

next it is time for the beltloop. I have cut a piece of kydex approx the right size leaving it plenty long.

Using aluminium profiles to press the hot kydex around a steelbar the same size as a regular belt.

Here it is cooling of while I press it down

trimmed and buffed I drill holes and champher them so it looks cool.

I give them my "ANSO" stamp

Finally I use a rag and some Acetone to clean/buff the edges.

And the final packages...!

And as promissed a look on how to attach the Tek-Lok. I use two screws and the fit all the holes on the sheath for multiposition carry.

end of tutorial.
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Old 05-19-2002, 06:27 PM
Don Cowles
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Great job, Jens!
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Old 05-19-2002, 07:11 PM
Posts: n/a

What a great tutorial!

Excellent job ...Your Sheathness!!!!


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Old 05-20-2002, 08:04 AM
Black Cloud
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Where can I buy kydex?
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Old 05-20-2002, 11:16 AM
Tom Militano
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"Kydexsheath for my Sheepfoot"

What size eyelets do you use?
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Old 05-20-2002, 12:13 PM
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Re: "Kydexsheath for my Sheepfoot"

I use 8-8 eyelets...I had to find some different setting tools and use the base from one set and the punch from another as we have metric over here.....

I use 1/4" screws and posts

Kydex can be bought at the larger suplly houses.
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Old 05-25-2002, 02:31 PM
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gonna stick this to the top for a few days........
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Old 05-28-2002, 11:28 PM
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Sharing is a great way to keep the knifemaking professional on top. Your tutorial took a lot of work and time. We appreciate your efforts! As suppliers we make every effort to keep on top of what we sell and this helps us help others. I will see that every employee sees it! Thank you, Venice
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Old 02-25-2003, 04:52 AM
sebast57 sebast57 is offline
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Best tutorial I've read. I just have one question, how hot/soft do you want to make the kydex before you start to mold it?
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Old 02-25-2003, 12:08 PM
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I make it HOT......not so hot that you ruin the will shrink and burn on you if you heat it too much...but it needs to feel like wet way to describe it I think.

Jens Ans?
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Old 02-26-2003, 07:38 AM
sebast57 sebast57 is offline
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Thanks, that makes perfect sense. Thanks for the quick response. This is the first time i've worked with kydex and I'm kind of flying blind.
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Old 04-24-2003, 08:26 PM
Geode Geode is offline
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Question for Jens


Thanks very much for making this tutorial - I have been looking for a clear and descriptive write up like yours.

Question: in your third picture you have the hot kydex being placed on top of the knife - did you heat it first and then place it on top of the knife, or is it okay to heat it with the heat gun while the kydex is sitting on top of the knife?
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